Pranam !
I am deeply disturbed that heir of a well known political and intellectual family of Odisha has hijacked my article as his creation. I found this today. Please know details about that from my mail that I have written to him just a shortwhile ago (pasted just below this paragraph). Below the text of my mail, I have also pasted the exact article for your reference. Just see, how intellectual property rights are blatantly transgressed by so called intellectuals.
Exact text of my mail to Suporno Satpathy:
Dear Suporno babu,
Pranam !
I found a posting titled 'A Special Package of Lies from the Govt of Odisha' under the article segment of ''.
With all politeness, I will like to inform you that the said piece is written entirely by me and was posted in various listserves in public domain along with posting in my own blog '' on 23.12.2010 under heading 'A Package of Lies'. But ironically and to my utter bemusement, in your posting (URL: it has been shown that the piece has been written by Suporno Satpathy (Chairman SNSMT). No where in website it has been shown that I am the original writer of that piece of article.
I am sure that this is a deliberate act on your part to hijack my article as yours. For the only changes that you have made are the names whom I have quoted in my piece. While my piece carries quotes from Annada Mishra of Bankia village, Ananta Bariha of Dhatuk village, Ashok Pradhan and Murari Prasad Purohit (both farmer leaders) and Vijay Dishari of Mukhiguda village; the piece that you claim as yours just tries to cleverly change those names to Girdhar Padhan of Chhedipada and Dinu of Balangir district. In other cases you have cleverly deleted the names and the quoted portions have been mainstreamed into the article as narration.
Being educated, being the heir of a bright family of the state, and being in the socio-political field, I hope that you are matured enough to understand that I should be deeply disturbed, peeved and angry with such an incursion into my rights and creativity. I hope that I will get an explanation in this regard from you.
Just to introduce myself further, let me tell you that I am the son of highly respected person in erstwhile Balangir district who was also a very close confidant of your mother Nandini Satpathy. Your mother was treating my father and family with reverence and respect and my father and family had the same for your mother and your family. Besides, I give your brother Tathagat babu immense respect and has a very close rapport with the Dharitri family. I too had a political lineage such as yours (though I have left politics now).
Considering this, I do not wish to take this matter to public or other forums until I get a reply from you. But the reply should not be inordinately delayed. I hope you will be apologetic about this transgression and blatant abuse of intellectual rights and rest this matter to piece.
Bimal Prasad Pandia
Exact copy of my article that Suporno Satpathy has shown as his:
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